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Empowering you to
Take Control of Your Health

Once upon a time, we only sold insurance. As the relationships with our clients grew, we found it necessary to offer a portfolio of healthcare solutions. We combine our expertise with impeccable customer service at every turn. We stay on top of IRS and government regulations and complexities keeping our clients informed of beneficial information and maintaining their plans accordingly. Our goal is to make the whole process of healthcare easier for you. We are not just your plan liaison, we are your plan of action. There are an array services we can assist you with, including reporting compliance to government credit assistance, tax analysis and refunding. My Med Plan is here with you every step of the way.

Health insurance companies have come up with more options than ever. Let our team with the latest technology review your plan and show you options side by side. Our goal is to make the whole process of healthcare easier for you.

Being healthy is not just good for you. It’s good for your pocketbook. MyMedPlan wants to make sure your wallet and health is always fit. Come in for a chat about healthcare, quick run on the treadmill or use of our blood pressure machine anytime.

You may be eligible for a health insurance premium tax credit. This tax credit can help make purchasing health insurance coverage more affordable for people with moderate incomes. We offer a free review and guidance.

Claims handling is one of the most complex issues for insurance companies.Insurance claims are also susceptible to fraudulent activity. As a result, our team combats insurance fraud and makes sure claims are adjudicated properly per contract.

We understand that everyone’s medical situation is different and we will find you the correct Medicare program that fits your lifestyle and budget. It is important to understand your Medicare coverage choices and to pick your coverage carefully.

Prescription drug coverage is a significant part of a health insurance plan. But as drug prices rise, many insurance companies have put more restrictions on what they will and will not cover. We analyze the best option to prevent substantial expenses.

Contact us to get started